The project titled “Strengthening capacities of social partners to meet the challenges of environmental sustainability in film and TV productions” and co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the European Audiovisual Social Dialogue, ran from February 2021 to May 2023 and aimed to map the good practices that the film and TV production ecosystem across Europe has put in place to achieve more environmentally friendly work processes and workplaces, as well as the practices related to changes in employment and work that these environmentally friendly practices induce.
The project also aimed to identify how companies and workers’ representatives can balance and achieve the twin objectives of environmental sustainability and safety. Finally, the project aimed to strengthen the capacities of the AV production ecosystem and AV trade unions regarding environmental sustainability and its impact on work processes and workplaces, and to promote the discussion and analysis of social partners on the necessary adaptations of social dialogue due to the challenges of environmental sustainability.
Many audiovisual (AV) production companies in Europe and beyond are increasingly obligated or encouraged to comply with ecological requirements, particularly when applying for public co-funding. However, for many production companies, this still presents a significant challenge, and many companies and trade unions in Europe have not fully embraced the “greening” of film and TV productions and the changes this brings to employment and the workplace. At the same time, numerous production companies, including smaller ones from across Europe and beyond, have already proactively integrated environmentally friendly practices into their daily work processes. Social dialogue is an essential part of this process, and aligned with the objectives and methods of “The European Green Deal,” which emphasizes the importance of an active social dialogue in anticipating and successfully managing environmental change, this joint employers and trade unions project aimed to explore opportunities for developing and strengthening an efficient social dialogue on environmental issues in the film and TV production sector in Europe.