Event Report: Final Conference Environmental Sustainability in the Audiovisual Sector, 21st of April
On Friday 21 April, social partners CEPI, EBU, FIAPF, FILM and the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa hosted the final conference of the project “Strengthening capacities of social partners to meet the challenges of environmental sustainability in film and TV productions” to present the state of play and the way forward in environmental sustainability in film and TV productions.

Webinar: Greening The Eu Audiovisual Sector: Sharing Resources And Tools – 10th of May at 14.00 C.E.S.T.
For the last two years, European social partners in the European audiovisual sector have mapped tools and resources available across Europe to green audiovisual productions. The outcomes of this mapping exercise are now available to be shared with and used by audiovisual professionals from across Europe and beyond.

WEBINAR RECORDINGS: Greening the EU audiovisual sector – sharing resources and tools
We are happy to announce that the webinar recordings of the 29th of March are available.

Conference: Environmental Sustainability in the Audiovisual Sector, 21st of April 2023, Brussels
We are happy to announce that the final conference of the Sectoral Audiovisual Social Dialogue project "Strengthening capacities of social partners to meet the challenges of environmental sustainability in film and TV productions" will take place on the: 21st of April 2023 in Brussels.